PM Modi’s move of banning Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 notes in order to go after the black money 17 days back, has served more purposes than intended and expected of it.
These days of inconvenience, money crunch and social decries have been like a sieve to filter out the true colours of patriotism and self-acclaimed nationalists.
Let me first talk of the politicians, the so-called public servants. The way the opposition has united, no surprise, yeah, only reiterates that politics is all about spitting and licking. Mamta Bannerjee joins hands with the long-time enemy-Left. The new age saint of Indian Politics, Shree shree shree Arvind Kejriwal, Congress, Lalu Prasad Yadav, the socialist Sage Mulayam Yadav, Mayawati all have wedded and are singing in chorus. Who are they voicing for- the common men?
I sense that as soon as somebody in India wins an election, the first notion he imbibes is that the common men are fools. Maybe because he knows that he doesn’t deserve to be what he has become. Also, it seems that we don’t know what is good for us and what is not. We can be beguiled easily. We have no sanity to decide whom and what cause needs our support. We don’t act as society but as individuals.
Now, the masses, I include myself, must admit that we are fools; actually, bigger than what our Netas think of us. The greatest lacuna in Democracy is not that people fail to choose the able rulers but, they fail to choose a constructive and responsible opposition. Unfortunately, the opposition acts to its literal meaning. It’s high time to make the people who sit in the opposition understand their role.
To be honest, I am not a supporter of BJP and during twenty-five years of my life as a voter, only once, had I voted in favour of the current ruling party.
Every one of us, even with a pinch of literacy and little knowledge of current affairs, know about the plague called Fake Currency. Who among us, has not been duped, of course unknowingly, with the illegitimate currency notes and endured embarrassment?
Once, when I was depositing some cash in my saving account, the woman at the bank counter returned a 500 rupee note saying that it was fake. The bank staff knows me and that was the reason she politely asked me to change it. I have seen them crossing the forged notes and chastising the bearer for presenting it. I check all my notes before going to deposit them since then.
The outcry of the inconveniences, the long queues at the banks and the ATMs, the chaos, People dying, the bank staff suffering, the daily wage earners starving, the misery of the hawkers and small business houses- everybody is suffering. No denying. That’s true.
But, just forget it. Please, I urge, just forget everything just for a minute and think of the soldiers who undergo similar inconvenience (not for the last 17 days but for months and years) only because they chose to be in Army and opted to earn their livelihood by guarding our borders.
I use the word ‘Choose’ because I have heard people saying ‘they themselves have chosen their profession and the Demonetisation has been forced on us’.
I wish, some more insanity (if at all, it is insanity) hits our PM and he passes another law that every Indian must serve in the Army at least for a year, when he turns 18, to be eligible to use any of the public provisions and utilities including driving licence, Ration card, admission in government run educational institutes, government jobs, and treatment in government hospitals.
People say ‘It’s my money. Why am I denied to withdraw and use it? It is nothing less than dictatorship. It is like emergency.’
So, it is your country. Why only a few must look for its safety and die for it?
Come on! Who among us doesn’t know the benefits of demonetization in the current scenario? Why are we so restless? Why can’t we give it time?
Let’s forget who’s doing it. Focus on the implications and outcome. I don’t know Economics but, I know the implications of only 4.5 crores of people paying income tax out of 130 crores.
Just give it a thought.
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Thanks for your invaluable perception.