Showing posts with label ENGLISH POEMS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ENGLISH POEMS. Show all posts

Tuesday 7 March 2017



Many unlike me
Proudly, enter into the vagina
When release from the penis.
A fraction of your manhood
To many, we're genies.

People celebrate their fusion
Happily implant them
And eagerly wait for the parturition. 
You threw me coercively
Though I was reluctant
I had no option.
My mother  
Dreaded my insertion.

Fusion, she didn't expect.
For I belonged to someone
She didn't select.

I entered
As if I was a thief.
Even to the dying ovum
I wasn't a relief.
She loathed me like shit
I shamed her womb
And cursed me when
It grew into a tomb.

Perpetually, she weeps
Ever since you 
Threw me here.
I longed for existence,
Not, to be unwanted I swear.

I feel like an orphan
Though I have
Mommy and Daddy to call.
Raindrops never lament
When, from clouds, they fall.

I am a curse
I am your sin.
Maybe, she'd throw me
Into a bin.

You chose me
For your lust.
What a wanton disregard
A shiny dime in the dust.

You won't give me
Your name.
I am your child
Would you ever claim?

Celebrity in his own right
Proud crawler is a sperm.
You fell from grace
And made me a
Filthy worm.

I wish I'd died too
Like my siblings.
Better to perish
Faceless and nameless
Than to born by swindling.

Monday 26 September 2016

O' Son! When we will be at war....

                   O' Son! When we will be at war....

This great nation will be one
Religions will melt
Castes will bury in oblivion
Tedium of bulletins
Dismissed as mundane
Hailed and heard for cleaver explanations
The birds who had flown far away
The bond had weakened
Will care to ask
In mighty surge of eloquence
Hearts will stir with stirring times
Blood, in its truest colour, will boil
Scrupulous emotions will flow
Desire to live, urge to die, at par
O' Son! When we will be at war.

Bullets and missiles will sway and swirl
Intercepting the sky, whoosh, and whirl
Winds and breaths will hum 
          prophecy of our victory
Aiding the blood-thirsty arms
          unerring trajectory
And, there in the terrains
Some men will wait to be martyred
Lonely, angry,eyes blank, lips parched
They don't eat, drink water by pint
Amidst the hissing bullets, bawling tanks and roaring aircrafts
Each shot is counted, every bullet is accounted
When some mortals will play 
The game of blood at far
O' Son! When we will be at war.

Friday 1 April 2016



When the dawn goes 

down to the Day

 Ascends the Sun to rinse

The earth's tray

Having survived a night

Mortals set to pray

Flora revives, buds smile

To muse they sway

In a lonely, forgotten

Gaunt cottage far away

A poet lost on his desk

As wreaths on a grave

On paper, his words lay

While the world

Picks morsel,

He shoves

Hunger at bay

Weaving verse

Keeps him gay

Dawn to the day

Then dusk, be it may

A poet remains a poet

Whatever you say.

Wednesday 23 December 2015



Would that time had no passion for pace

It too, felt jaded, it too, felt laze.

Mom's lap of luxury still be mine

Humming crooning lullabies

She is a mellifluous singer

Soft rhythmic taps, affectionate kisses

My childhood would linger.

Four-limbed hopping gosling

Yells and screams

Crawling, I would ramble over

To my dreams.

Tuesday 22 December 2015



Billowing smoke you let go

We see as a seraph smiling

You may enjoy but we hear 

And expound birds' dulcet chirping 

Moon's appearance in phases 

We admire as fatuous kindling 

Yes, may be touchy and eccentric 

But we are soft and pitying 

Our minds of crystalline purity

Love us for our wits n profundity

We are writers....

Thursday 15 May 2014

क्षण .....

कुछ क्षण
         जो बार गूंजते हैं,
                नहीं मरते,
क्योंकि  छोड़ पाये हैं,
       छाप, एक याद,
               नहीं मिटते |

वो क्षण जब,
         मुस्काती आँखें ही बोलती हों,
                  चमकती सी,
        कह जाएँ,
              इतना कुछ कि,
                        नींद भी जागी रहे,
                                    उसे सुनने को|
और सुबह भी खटखटाये,
                 किवाड़ रात के,
                               कई बार,
कि सुन ले कुछ तो|

एक शान वो भी जब,
         भीगी आँखें ही बोली हों,
                 कुछ अस्पष्ट सा कहें,
भारी हुयी पलकों से,
              पूछा भी बहुत,
                       अचानक उठकर,
क्या कहा मुझसे?
        देखा था?
                गुहार थी?
                        या शिकायत की थी?

एक क्षण, वो था जब,
         मैंने एक जीवन-प्रश्न,
               किया था तुमसे,
दाँतो में दबाकर, जबाब दिया था तुमने,
             बुझे चेहरे से जब,
                उठी थी आँखें ऊपर,
                        और न समझकर भी,
                               मैं सब कुछ समझ,
                                 मैंने को तत्पर|

और वो भी थे क्षण
          जब आशाएं जगाई तुमने,
                और तोड़ दी,
न चाहकर भी
         असहाय होने का ,
संकेत देती,
         किन्तु मेरे लिए
जीवन वाक्य बन गए हैं,
          तुम्हारे द्वारा  कहे कुछ शब्द,
मेरे हर क्षण के स्वामी हैं,
हाँ, तुम परिपक्व हो,
तभी मैं, स्तब्ध|

          गौरव शर्मा

Wednesday 14 May 2014

स्वपन जागेंगे....

स्वपन जागेंगे....
आँखें जब सोने को होंगी,
स्वपन जागेंगे |
जीवन के सुरभित सौभाग्य,
 यत्न मांगेंगे |
कितनी ही इच्छाएं अंतर्मन में,
छटपटाती रहती हैं,
कितनी ही आँसु स्मृतियों में,
पछताते रहते हैं|
सब अपने लिए थोड़ा थोड़ा,
मरहम मांगेंगे,
आँखें जब सोने को होंगी,
स्वपन जागेंगे |
कई प्रश्न समय के,
अनबूझे ही रहते हैं,
क्षण भी बात अपनी,
बीतने पर ही कहते  हैं|
भविष्य के कण नए नए सम्बोधन मांगेंगे,
आँखें जब.......|
कितनी घुटी हुयी
भावनाओं को पाला है,
गिरते हुए आंसूं को,
पलकों में संभाला है|
ये भी अपने लिए नया,
एक अर्थ चाहेंगे|
आँखें जब.............|
कितनी ही चेहरे
अपनत्व की आस जगाते हैं,
स्नेह सिक्त दृष्टि से,
प्रेम की प्यास बुझाते हैं|
एकांकीपन के सहमे एहसास,
झटपट भागेंगे,
आँखें जब ...........|
बहुत से कथनों के ,
गुणात्मक अर्थ होते हैं,
भोजे न जाएँ ऐसे वाक्य,
 व्यर्थ होते हैं|
भटके शब्द अपने लिए,
आशय मांगेंगे,
आँखें जब सोने को होंगी ,
स्वपन जगेंगे,
जीवन के सुरभित सौभाग्य,
यत्ने मांगेंगे|
भवैश्य बता रहा है,
वर्तमान झूठा है|
खुशियां मत ढूँढो ,तुमसे,
भाग्य  रूठा है|
फिर भी उनके साथ नया एक,
जीवन मांगेंगे,
आँखें जब सोने को होंगी,
स्वपन जागेंगे|

Monday 12 May 2014


क्षण .......

हर पल के लिए,
जीवन की किताब पर,
छूटा होता है एक हाशिया...

मिट जाते हैं कभी,
और कभी अमिट छाप लिए,
वे पल छोड़ जाते हैं कई नाम,
कई टिप्पणियाँ |

भविष्य को बहाकर लाने वाले,
पृष्ठों से जब धुंधलाते हैं,
अतीत को, तब भी,
स्पष्ट सा दिखता है कुछ,
कुछ क्षण,
कुछ नामों की अर्थी लिए,
बन जाते हैं याद,
भविष्य को ढकती परछाईयाँ|

उस हाशिये पर,
कुछ हलके नाम भी हैं,
जो समय में बहते आये,
पर न ठहरे,
जीवन की किताब पर,
छोड़ न सके कोई निशाँ|
फिर भी दीखते  हैं,
कहते हैं,
टूटे सपने जब
आंसुओं में बहते हैं ,
गूंजती हैं तब,
उन क्षणों से जुडी कहानियाँ|
अब भी ये पल,
वर्तमान के ,
लिए हुए हाशिये,
बिना किसी नाम के,
टिप्पणियों से सजे हुए,
इतराते हैं यूँ ही|
पर समांतर पंक्तियों में है,
ज़िक्र पुराने नामों का,
हर क्षण फुसफुसाता है,
नए नाम भी यही लाएंगे,
सोचता हूँ क्या खेल रचा रहे हैं?
आने वाला सभी  पल क्यों,
अतीत की है कठपुतलियां?
      ---गौरव शर्मा

Saturday 10 May 2014


Why I Love Air Force

Sky asks the cloud, ‘Dear, what you love the most?
‘Is it the chromatic rainbow, or the bird I host?’
‘No’ replied the cloud ‘beauty is noble and gracious,
I like my pals to be a vagabond, arrogant and dexterous.’
Fighter planes are the ones who match my thunder’
We care, revive and secure the mankind under,
I shower rains helping the soil, getting pregnant,
They drop bombs to wipe off the assailants.’

Ask teenagers, what they want out of their lives and you can vouch for answers to be-Status and wealth, with reluctant additions such as integrity, perseverance, pride and dignity and enthusiastic utterance of ‘thrill’ and ‘adventure’ as topping. However, when they look up to their guardians for guiding them through to get all these, seldom are they told to join the Air Force.
A simple and realistic way of seeing all aspirations coming true is to serve the Air Force with a bonanza carrying distinction of serving the motherland that would, ultimately provides the greatest satisfaction. The best thing one can do is to defend his country.
We can buy the most expensive clothes with the riches, but believe me, heaps of diamonds and suitcases filled with currency notes will be insufficient to get the feel of pride and dignity the uniform of a soldier facilitates.
It just asks you to cultivate the readiness to sacrifice and to consider the country before yourself.
Michael P. Anderson has said “If you want something that’s going to provide you with a lot of challenges and a variety of different things to do, then you really can’t beat a place like the Air Force. I don’t mean this to sound like a recruiting pitch, but it’s been a lot of fun”
Fighter planes are the most sophisticated man-driven automobiles. One can be a professional pilot without joining the Air Force but won’t you be a mere ‘driver’ carrying passengers here and there? And to sit in that cockpit will become a delusive and distant dream for ever.
The training and courses, one has to go through to become a pilot, normally cost a lot. But in Air Force, you don’t have to spend money for it; just a burning desire would suffice.
I haven’t seen a mortal, not applauding a somersaulting, squirming, maneuvering and formation displaying jet. The roaring and threatening device even compel you to brave the glares of the sun. I always fancy the imagination of seeing myself occupying the cockpit of a hunter and playing hide and seek with the clouds in the sky and the amazed spectators applauding me.
I don’t want to see my compatriots scarifying dreams or to settle for less, but if someone’s circumstances force him to earn after school, I see Air Force as the best job option. No organization gives such handsome remunerations to raw intermediates. The most favorable part is the working hours- you can study further and go for commissioning after improving your credentials.
Metamorphosis from a raw recruit to a prepared, confident and masculine Airman in a real sense might not be easy but it is less difficult than a civilian normally goes through to become equally deserving.
If not me, somebody else will come forth; after all, our country is not short of people. Air Force doesn’t really need us. We need to find out where we fit in it.
It offers variety of jobs-both in technical and non-technical grades. We can be a fighter pilot, which is the most respected trade among all armed forces or a paratrooper or a doctor in the Air Force and even clerks can find a life in it.
The Air Force offers lifetime medical facilities, Job security, travel opportunities, Pension and the most glamorous side is the Rank that remains with us for the rest of our lives. The Chevrons and the Strips are great intoxicants. They give you distinct identity, dignity and pride.
So if you have the courage and desire to test yourself against the spur of difficulty, if you want to brave the storm, if you want the vast sky to bow in front of you and allow you to wander across its expanse, the Air Force is the place for you.
The Air Force invites you to have a spectacular life-and Hey! You always have a choice to quit.

Monday 5 May 2014



As the night wraps up the day expended,
My mortal attributes slowly retard
And I retire as a bard
Slender strings of your reminiscence
Dumped as an enmeshed mass,
get loose and ordinately pass.
Seemingly half-dead,I gather the moments,squirm frantically inside
And smile with pain and pride.
Soon my blithe transforms to remorse
Crying, I yell to invisible somebody for reasons
Why I'd been denied of favour and season.
I warn the thwarts and return to my concern,
I urge the words to fall in place
Craving for a Marceau to give me solace.


  ONE TOUGH DAY THAT BROKE THE DREAM OF A BILLION PEOPLE   Well Played, team India. We are proud of the way you played in this tournament. U...